MovieChat Forums > Zeitgeist (2007) Discussion > Forget Zeitgeist, forget everything.

Forget Zeitgeist, forget everything.

People on these boards are saying "Zeitgeist are making money off of this, Zeitgeist are fake etc etc.". Now I am not going to argue against this as I have not done the required research to say otherwise and neither has the majority of the people who argue for its cause. However the story goes both ways, the majority of people who argue against Zeitgiest have not done the required research to state their words as fact.

Assume for a second you forget everything you know regarding these issues and with this blank slate you take a look at the current state of the world, pretend you are somehow looking down on the state of the planet as if looking at a map. What you see is this - A world where environmentally the planet is deteriorating at a catastrophic level. Fish have been reduced by 90% compared to 50 years ago when the industry started, sharks have been reduced by 90%, this trend can be seen among countless species throughout the ocean. A total and utter eco system collapse is on the verge of happening, the first of which scientists say will happen within the next 20 years and not only that it is 100% irreversible - Coral Reefs. One of the most majestic and diverse eco systems on the planet is dying day by day due to the warming of the oceans. Coral Reefs which are considered home to 40% of the oceans species are disappearing and it is our fault.

The fishing industries have mutilated and raped the sea in ways unimaginable. Trawling nets that span the length from the earth floor to outter space are dragged along the sea bed catching all forms of sea life, destroying numerous habitats and killing all forms creatures that we simply throw back into the ocean because they are deemed unusable. This is all done to feed humans. Shark finning has desecrated the shark populations world wide. You may ask what effect does this have? Essentially we cannot live without sharks simply because they are one of the many species that hold the oceans eco systems together. Remove sharks and you have a domino effect creating extinction after extinction right down until you have plankton. Plankton give us 80% of our oxygen. We cannot live without these tiny creatures.

You than look upon the lands. Factory's spew out millions of tons each year of horrific waste that kills and deforms plants and animals, making parts of the planet inhabitable. We are mining and drilling for natural resources that are not intended to be removed. All so that we can travel faster, have the most recent xbox and playstation, have a warmer house etc. We are destroying rain forests worldwide. Only 10% of the trees are left on the planet. We are killing all forms of animals worldwide with chemicals and gasses. We are breeding genetically modified animals to slaughter and cut up into peaces to feed the nations of the world. Animals which are kept in darkness unable to stand their entire lives. Animals which are fed the ground up bones of their dead relatives to stay alive. One of our main concerns is that bee's are dying worldwide at an astounding rate. We cannot survive without this creature simply because they pollinate the plants we eat.

The list of environmental problems goes on and on and on and on AND ON...

If many of these problems are not RADICALLY changed within the next few years we are inevitably doomed. This is no longer argued by scientists, the only argument is how long will we have once these Eco systems collapse. Most say no more than another century.

Now we go back to ourselves looking down upon this map of the world still maintaing that unbiased view of things. With this information alone we can see that the world is in chaos, that the world is being run in a way that is not sustainable to the planet and humans alike. This is before we even divulge into the madness that is the 21st century world of politics and society.

Today we are living in a world of hate, of ridicule and of judgment. To be different is to spat upon. To be wrong is to be weak and to be weak is to be looked down upon with disgust and shame. We live in a world where we work to live and we kill ourselves working. We do not give, we take. We do not share, we digest. Greed is on every corner, hate is in every school. Hate for others, hate for ourselves, hate for our governments, the list goes on. We live in a world where our children are no longer raised by parents they are raised by schooling systems and media. Our children are sitting in front of a mechanical talking box that tells them how to live their lives. Our children go to school and are ridiculed by peers and teachers alike for thinking a certain way or acting a certain way. Free thinking is smacked down like a hammer to a nail. We are taught to except these ways of life and to expand on these ideologies that are all ready in place. Our children are prepared in schools much like toys are built in a factory. They are told they must go to college and they must study hard so that they can excel in their given field of expertise, whether it be garbage man or doctor the outcome in the same, money. Money is all that drives us as a race. This small green piece of paper that we strive to own ends up owning us, mentally and physically. It drives us mad, it feeds us hate which we vomit upon others. It creates greed and suspicion and fear. Through these fears we seek redemption and redemption is given to us in the form of religion. We are told that as long as we abide by these rules we can do no harm. As long as we abide by these fundamental laws of humanity we can do no evil. These religions stop us from thinking outside the box for to do so would be blasphemous and we would burn for all of eternity under the earth in the underworld. So we do not think outside of the box and we continue to hate, we continue to work to live and live to work, we continue to brainwash ourselves into believing that this consumerist/socialistic freak show of a society we call normal is reality and we continue to destroy ourselves and our planet.

It takes no scientist and no political leader and no genius to tell us that the world is in a horrible state. A state which cannot and will not be sustained for much longer. Forget you're differences and arguments and come together on this one simple fact - Civilization as we see it now is no longer viable. Society needs to change and it needs to happen right now, not ten years from now. It needs to happen today.

Instead of arguing about whether this documentary or that documentary or this organization or this organization is right or wrong why not come together on the source of the problem and fix it all together. The answer is right in front of us all we need to do is grasp at it. Just reach out and grab it, its right there.

Thanks for listening. Hopefully we can all come together before it is too late. I fear we cannot but have yet to give up hope.
I measure intelligence on the basis of a species compatibility to live in harmony with its surroundings.


You are an incredibly cynical person. You say we need to make all these radical changes but offer no advice or a plan to do so. If you are so hell bent on fixing all these man-made problems, why not start from the source? WTF good are you doing on It'd also be a good idea to check your facts as some are incredibly off.

Yes our world's *beep* up, and yes it should change. Why not try to enjoy it instead of being afraid of the end?

"I speed write, and my loose leaf's my launch pad"


"You are an incredibly cynical person."

I dont see how it is cynical when it is the truth.

"You say we need to make all these radical changes but offer no advice or a plan to do so."

The first step in changing something is realizing there is a problem. I do not pretend to be the all knowing, I dont have all the answers.

"If you are so hell bent on fixing all these man-made problems, why not start from the source?"

Please elaborate.

"WTF good are you doing on"

If 1 person reads this and learns something I have done something good. If you think IMDB is the only place I am trying to help you would be very wrong. I am a videographer with plans of making a few documentaries along with being a vegan, among many other things.

"It'd also be a good idea to check your facts as some are incredibly off."

Again could you please elaborate? I am confident in the facts I posted here but I am gladly willing to learn something new.

"Yes our world's *beep* up, and yes it should change. Why not try to enjoy it instead of being afraid of the end?"

Firstly who says I am afraid of the end? In no way am I afraid of death. Secondly I enjoy life quite a bit actually. Seeing as I spend most of my time traveling the world scuba diving doing videography and helping clean the reefs.

Personally I do not think you understood the point of my post. It was mainly aimed at bringing all the people who are arguing pointless arguements when infact we need to come together on the bigger picture.

I measure intelligence on the basis of a species compatibility to live in harmony with nature.


I am trying to help you would be very wrong. I am a videographer with plans of making a few documentaries along with being a vegan, among many other things.

You just owned yourself there.


In what way?


Hats off to the OP, I feel the same way, but its very difficult to get a point across on here.


Why are you even responding to such ignorance. They are a bunch of envious people who, because they failed in life, want to blame everyone and everything else for their short comings. They feel they are entitled. They don't know how to work hard and earn it. Like Milton Friedman said;

"So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear. That there is no alternative way, so far discovered, of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by a free enterprise system."


Socialism for the rich, corporatism for the poor.

If you believe that we have a core capitalist system, than you need to open your eyes. The control of our monetary system is in the hands of the banks (because we have given it to them).

I believe in capitalism, however people who have been "successful" as you might put it, are often the ones who have truly failed. Success, to me, is a meaningful life, filled with strong relationships and happiness.

I blame the system, which perpetuates limitless GDP growth, and I blame the people who continue to believe that Greed is the end all be all of life. Take what you need, not for the sake of taking.

I think you should discard everything that neo-classical economics has taught you.



The solution would involve humans abandoning their natural narcissistic tendencies.

I'm a vegan and constantly made fun of despite my non-judgmental, peaceful approach to the lifestyle. The fact is, humans scoff at someone who eats healthy and is actively reducing their carbon footprint.

Why? Because humans, mostly Americans, believe they are better than everything. They see themselves at the top of the food chain, anything and everything is for their consumption.

You can attribute this to religion where "God gave dominion over all the plants and animals."

The OP mentions the fishing industry and you say "BUT WHAT IS THE SOLUTION!?!? I JUST DON'T GET IT!? I'M A NEEDY, SELFISH HUMAN! HELP ME UNDERSTAND!"

Wouldn't the solution involve, reducing or eliminating your consumption of fish?

The problem with a large scale solution is that a governing, authoritarian body has to enforce this upon people because most people are too stupid or too unwilling to care. If I was in charge, I would actively enforce these changes for the sake of our planet, and ruthlessly punish those who break the law. However, unfortunately, human narcissism will win out and the planet will die.



Thanks for this, Bologna. I'm within the same rationalities and have been spreading similar words upon those around me. Unfortunately, as the last poster stated, only few will understand.

"I'm going nowhere fast... and you're not coming." -LP


My take is that you can't sacrifice the truth in your pursuit of a "better world."

Also, this "we are inevitably doomed" is a religious worldview.

You can't force people to go along with whatever your plan might be (especially if you think forcing people to do things against their will is wrong).

The "VENUS PROJECT" is not the answer.
History vs. the Da Vinci Code


the majority of people who argue against Zeitgiest have not done the required research to state their words as fact.

Woah woah stop right there, if you do the "required research", you'll find that the vast majority of the facts presented in this movie are unfounded or completely inaccurate.

Stop pretending that you've done the research, and actually do it.

Push the envelope, watch it bend


You clearly didn't read the entire thread.


I didn't need to, there was enough bullshiut in the first paragraph to make up for not reading the next 20 paragraphs of bullshiut.

Push the envelope, watch it bend


90% of fish have died huh? You realize that that number would be in the tens of trillions, right, and there's no way that statistic is accurate, right?

Push the envelope, watch it bend


I had no idea about the sea-world. It's a good thing I don't like sea-food. Now I have reason to ridicule those who do. Thank you for the post, very enlightening and powerful irrespective of what others say.

"There. There."


I agree with you. Preserving what's left of the environment should be near the top of everyone's lists. Like it or not, we need to get our *beep* together. I personally don't want to be part of the generation that let the environment go to complete *beep* But as long as the corporations are the real powers of the world, the environment doesn't stand a chance.


Hey Michbe,

What is your solution to this mess that we are living in on this planet?


I think that if we changed our general tax codes, and updated our systems of democracy (to encourage participation and co-operation), it would be a good start.

First off, income tax doesn't work, consumption tax is really the only way to go. You should not tax the means of production, rather, tax the consumer, as they will be the end-benefiter of the product.

Secondly, our international banking system is a fraud. It is nothing more than an extremely large casino, except this casino takes your money all day every day, rather than a few times a year. The banks create money, lend it to you, then charge you interest.

The bailout should have been directed at people, rather than the entities known as corporations. The system is gaming you, and you should care.

The world is in a tailspin, the true recession is coming, and at this point, there will be no stopping it. We can only perpetuate our corrupt system for so long, eventually it has to come back to reality.

I think the solution would be to truly acknowledge the problem, and then put our most brilliant minds to work solving the problem. As it stands, we as a society would rather ignore the problem. We'd prefer (a majority) to watch celebrities, and pretend that people in history have never changed things for the better. We are a self-defeated people, and our apathy is toxic.

You can do something to change things, just talking about it is opening peoples minds to new ideas, which is always the first step.

I am cynical about this world, however that does not correlate to giving up on this world.


Did you read my thread? I did research it. The religious part is fabricated. The comparisons between horus and jesus have been twisted. I can post the artifacts showing isis being impregnated.
