Question about Dec 25
I only saw the first part of it, but it was interesting. They played pretty fast and loose with the mythology of other Sun God characters, but my real question is this:
If the "died for three days and rose again" myth refers to the winter solstice, we are basically celebrating the birth of the mythical savior around the time he died, not around the time he was born, and are celebrating the resurrection at a time unrelated.
Now, here's a thought. If the story about being "born of a virgin" could be traced to the Sun entering Virgo (get it? The sun "enters" the virgin and does her for about a month?), then the holy offspring would be born 9 months later (if these myths are meant to correspond to human life at all). So what is nine months after the end of Virgo? Jun 21, the summer solstice.
Now THAT would make sense. Celebrating the savior's birth at summer solstice and the saviors resurrection at Christmas. But we don't, and I wonder why?