MovieChat Forums > Zeitgeist (2007) Discussion > 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak...

9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out (PBS)

This is the 1-hour version of our 1 ½ hour groundbreaking documentary 9/11: Explosive Evidence --

The documentary produced by 1700 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth contends that the manner in which the Twin Towers and World Trade Center Seven disappeared on 9/11, as described by the government, is physically impossible. The film is sponsored by, and features on-camera, survivor families of 9/11 victims.

The film enlists dozens of scientists and credentialed professionals in engineering, architecture, physics, chemistry, metallurgy, demolitions, and other disciplines to go on record with their reasons for believing the official story to be false, who present evidence of controlled demolitions.

The documentary has been rebroadcast numerous times due to demand, and is in the fall run-time line-up. It can be watched in full online at the CPT 12 website. It has risen to the "Most Watched" listing of the national PBS website.

Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth focuses solely on the forensic evidence available to prove that the three World Trade Center buildings were demolished as a means of proving to Congress that a new and independent investigation is warranted.

We also want to explain the evidence to the public at large. We believe that turning the tide of public opinion is the most powerful way to convince Congress to pursue a new investigation.

All architects, engineers, and others with competence as writers and speakers, whether they choose to sign our petition or not, are encouraged report the results of our research.


Thank you for that, after watching Zeitgest I was shocked by some of the evidence revealed, as soon as I can watch the PBS doc I will as, really, how did the 3 buildings simply implode as they did? One thing that amazes me is the case of the B-25 airplance hitting the Empire State Building. Granted, it was not as big of a plane and not flying as fast AND the Empire State Building was built to over-engineered design which was the norm of 30's architecture but the building far from collapsed, it simply had a large smoking hole in the side of the building and it was simply repaired. Based on the fact that there were 47 massive columns inside each tower that would not have been damaged by either plane based on the limited penetration how did these towers so conveniently implode as they did?? WTC building 7 is even more of a mystery to me. Fascinating stuff.

Everyone gets everything he wants.


I look forward to watching this documentary. My first thought when I was watching Zeitgeist was how interesting it was that the footage of the towers falling was identical to the footage of intentionally destroyed old buildings. It seemed obvious to anyone watching that they were demolished by a professional crew and the planes had nothing to do with it. Who actually did the demolishing, I do not know, but it was quite obvious what happened. Then you add to it that a third building which was (I think) 47 floors also went down. How come I never saw that in the news before watching Zeitgeist? I never knew there was a third building. And then - add to all the above the fact that any competent architect planning to build a skyscraper would think about things like fires, bomb threats, severe weather, and planes crashing into the building. Of course the buildings would be built to withstand such things. I hate conspiracy theories but any one viewing the footage knows in their heart that we were lied to by the media (government).


