MovieChat Forums > La Brea (2021) Discussion > Isn't this just Terra Nova Again?

Isn't this just Terra Nova Again?

Didn't we do this already?


Weirdly I like this better than Terra Nova for some reason. Maybe because of the utter lack of trying or something about the acting being so off-kilter across the board.


I think I watched few episodes of Terra Nova but remember nothing of it )))

I’m getting more Lost vibes. They even have their own "Others" now. And I laugh how all those shows have this one group of some 10 people who are so important and go on adventures every second and are so busy being self proclaimed leaders. And then there is always "background group" of some 30-50 people who do nothing but silently stay in the camp without participating at anything.

And its always a mystery of what all those people eat. In LaBrea no one is eating apparently.

I hope they will end at something coherently in second season. I dont think it will get third season. Well at least they try to be original. There are so many crappy boring shows every year. Some boring dramas and shows about doctors or FBI. There are very few sci-fi chows out there. So I wont complain.


On LOST they would sometimes bring in a person from the "back" group but they would soon be killed off.


Yes. That was the most hilarious thing ))) .
