I had to wonder if featuring the McDonald's in the middle of the Eternal City, amid the dark goings-on of the movie, was a (subversive?) wink and a nod to the viewer re the speed and ease of the exorcism later slapped together haphazardly by Michael, like those Filet-o-Fish - ; ) - sandwiches you get with half the cheese melted off the side and onto the wrapper. As it were.
A demon as supposedly ancient and powerful as Ba'al - the rain god at one time; foreshadowing? - gets ahold of not only a priest, but one who is a renowned exorcist of long standing, yet is then so easily tricked by a rank amateur into proclaiming himself - the look on "his" face when he realizes his stupendous blunder! - that he's driven out in one "session?"
Then again, given the opening title re the Archangel Michael, I half-expected the sprouting of wings during that scene.