I love these quotes.
Just watch the film 'The Rite' and enjoyed the following quotes -
Father Lucas Trevant: Be careful Michael, choosing not to believe in the devil doesn't protect you from him.
Father Lucas Trevant: You know, the interesting thing about skeptics, is that we're always looking for proof... the question is, what on earth would we ever do if we found it?
Father Lucas Trevant: [from trailer]
[Father Lucas shows Michael a possessed girl he is trying to perform an exorcism on]
Father Lucas Trevant: What is it that you believe?
Michael Kovak: That's not the devil.
Father Lucas Trevant: Does a thief or a burglar turn on the lights while he's robbing your house? No. He prefers you to believe that he's not there... like the devil!
Michael Kovak: Gets complicated when no proof of the devil is somehow proof of the devil.