MovieChat Forums > The Rite (2011) Discussion > If all the dead end up in Hell, what is ...

If all the dead end up in Hell, what is the point of religion?

The priest's father implied he was Hell when he phoned; the journalist's dead brother was in hell (though demons drove him to suicide so it is pretty uncool for him to be sent to Hell because he suicided); and the old priest said one of his failed exorcisms suicided so he went to Hell; and I'm going to assume the pregnant girl went to Hell because she was never saved from Ba'al so I think this is a stupid religion. Quite sociopathic and makes no sense.


We don't know that any of them were in Hell. It could have been demonic oppression directed at the title character. The Catholic Church has never positively affirmed that anyone is hell. Ever.


Not so. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: "The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, ‘eternal fire.’ The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs" (CCC 1035). The only hope for salvation comes through Christ. Religion cannot save; it is not something we can achieve through our own merit. On the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross can cover our sins.


Demons can "fake" voices and even the appearance of anyone, so we have no evidence his father was condemned to Hell.

Secondly suicide is not a guarantee of condemnation, but a very grave sin, so it might be.

About the pregnant girl, being possessed at the time of Death doesn't mean one is bound to Hell, at all.

Source: exorcists testimonies and christian theology

Addendum: the reason this religion might seem "sociopathic" and make no sense to you is because you probably have no notion of what it actually teaches.

Try reading up on what the main christian denominations think about the whole issue of Salvation and Sin.


People don't phone back from hell, or heaven. That's just a demon trying to deceive others into believing it's the actual person. If Michael believed his father was in hell, it would be another reason for him to give up on his own soul
