MovieChat Forums > The Rite (2011) Discussion > What about the sexually and physically a...

What about the sexually and physically abused kids?

So... I watched the movie and I'm a bit upset.

Obviously this is fantasy, and the only horror part was how little presence the police, psychiatrists and social services has where it should. Sure they have a little party with Hopkins, but they still haven't proven or made any effort to prove that the traumatized kids were only "possessed" and just needed a chant and a piece of metal. The movie ends with no investigation on the rape of the girl and physical abuse of the boy? The only guy who believed there was something going on, he just converted. I find that upsetting.

Of course I enjoyed the first half of the movie before the donkey scene but I know that I'm able to say "it's just a movie and nobody got hurt". Except for in reality when similar stuff happens and people call priests instead of professionals.

How do religious viewers separate this kind of fiction from reality when they are facing stories of tormented kids? Can you find this movie bearable knowing that child abuse is a real thing and the movie is somehow ridiculing the topic?

Impressions, please :D


Since you are not religious you will always find religious people irrational. What you saying is that believing in God is stupid because you know better and therefore exorcists must be charlatans.

Other people believe in God. I wonder who is right.


Hmkay... I'm gonna let the little off-topic comments slip.

Well I'm talking about the movie that first tries to make us doubt by throwing at us obvious signs of abused people to make us share the main character's skepticism.

Then it just throws us back into the fantasy of demons, I thought the responsible thing to do was to let us know, the viewers, that the "good guys" verified that it was indeed not abuse and at least checked with proper authorities.

Believing in God isn't stupid, it's believing in God as a substitute to common sense that is stupid in a dangerous way. Imagine if teachers called exorcists before child protective services when they saw signs of abused kids.


Believing in God isn't stupid, it's believing in God as a substitute to common sense that is stupid in a dangerous way.

Where does the "common sense" start? Is believing that praying may have a positive effect against common sense? Or maybe only when it relates to health? For me both are against common sense, but probably not for someone religious.

Imagine if teachers called exorcists before child protective services when they saw signs of abused kids.

In the context of the movie, of a priest that has performed exorcisms and has seen some "crazy" things, it makes less sense to call a child protective service that can't do anything about a supernatural occurence.

Unlike you, who don't believe in exorcists and demons, this priest has seen it first hand. Somehow you expect him to behave as if he hasn't seen anything.


Asousa joao..How do you know the priest has seen it "firsthand" and that he is not a charlatan? Do you think he gave the rights to his story away for free? And how many books do you think he's sold?

Mr./Ms. Asousa-joao, you must be extremely susceptible to hocus pocus. You have no evidence for this ridiculous film, yet you obviously believe it on blind faith alone. Where's any virtue in accepting anything your told?

Your answers to the OP were typical, defensive remarks instead of addressing a very important angle that the film does not address at all. It was a good question and you ignored that to toss insults. That's called ad-hominen and it's always used by people with no answers. People like you - religio-fascists.

"I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?"



Obviously this is fantasy, and the only horror part was how little presence the police, psychiatrists and social services has where it should.

Excellent observation. I am Italian and have lived in Italy. They are extremely superstitious people. However, even they go to doctors first. But thy don't have child intervention like the U.S. and U.K.

These fantastical "exorcism" films have become increasingly popular. I suspect that the invasion of doctors and appropriate authorities would have gotten in the way of the cheap thrills. Ever since "The Exorcist", Hollywood has used every trick to one-up that film.

What disturbed me was how easily the priest let go of the incredible logic he had in favour of superstition. If he hadn't been such a susceptible target to superstitious, archaic methods, maybe those kids would have gotten the proper help. But then, priests are commonly known for doing far more damage to kids than to help them. And where would Father Gary (real name) have gotten money without making up the theatrics?...or Hollywood, for that matter? I do know what I am saying. I was a missionary for ten years. At least half of the priests in Rome are atheists just doing a job. Seminary is an excellent fast track to law school, medical school,

"I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?"


Imagine if someone is possessed, and they get medicated or shock therapy instead.


No such thing as possession, but its Hand6y for religions to promote and keep people superstitious and ignorant.


No such thing as possession

How do you know?

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Are you posting this comment on right thread?


Obviuosly, the ones with provable, repeatable results are right.


Just because we don't *see* authorities being called and justice for abused children in a movie, doesn't mean it didn't happen. We only have around 2 hours to view so we only see one storyline. I'm sure the people at fault in accidents were held accountable too.


It's a horror film, using Christian Mythology is no more or less than using, Greek, Norse of Druidic.
Suspending the weight of disbelief for the duration of a film is the best way to enjoy it.

There are people in this world who believe in vampires, Dracula may encourage them, people who believe in werewolves, Silver Bullet can encourage them, those who want to believe in demons might take this seriously. More fool them, doesn't stop the rest of us enjoying it.

Fiction is the portray of the unreal as real for the purposes of amusement, nothing more.

Atheism is a religion in the same way that celibacy is a sexual position
