MovieChat Forums > The Rite (2011) Discussion > When the movie became unwatchable

When the movie became unwatchable

A 16 year old Roman girl from a broken home moving between several classical languages and English in an erudite fashion, and using the phrase "lickety split" in the same accent like the cute girl in the bar back home is probably sufficient proof supernatural knowledge. For Kovak to say it's a psychological issue, at that point, is as ridiculous as the "don't tell the police, they will never believe us" plot device.


I thought that as well, but then movie would be over before--eh don't wanna put a spoiler Haha


I feel you man. This movie jumped ship early and left us to sink along with Michael.


He didn't want to admit the existence of the devil.
Father Lucas saw what was happening and called it. "Be careful Michael. Just because you don't believe in the devil does not protect you from him"

That's exactly what Michael believed he was doing. Which is why he spent most of the film trying to rationalize all the strange occurrences.

It's warfare between the mind and spirit.


I wouldn't say this is when it became unwatchable to me, because I hung on for a while afterwards, but it was when the hot chick starts making goo goo eyes at the young guy who is not quite a priest. I never did see any reason for that character, other than to insert some sexual tension into the movie. Movie would have been better without her. I thought the movie was way, way too long and also they could have turned on a light now and then.
