Dis-honest Editing ( Spoilers )


I can see why some people are upset
about the dis-honest editing job-
putting the arrival of Anvil's
New CD - before the performance in Japan.

When in fact- the performance in Japan
took place before copies of the New CD arrived.

That's one thing that bothers me
about movies based on real life-
as well as documentaries . . .

The viewers become so wrapped up
and engaged in the storyline, music ,
characters - etc -

that they very easily forget about all of the
things that have been changed around, exaggerated
or added in for the whole purpose of being entertaining
or creating the perfect flow for the film!

This has been going on since the very beginning
of film-making - even some of the earliest
documentaries ever made have flaws and dishonesty
sprinkled all throughout them.

For example:

The 1922 documentary "Nanook of The North"

This was a ground-breaking documentary
that is now looked at as a classic and praised
as a golden piece of cinema history!

But if you do enough research -
you'll find out that the film-maker
made up fake names for some of the people
who appeared in this documentary, and he even
staged some of the scenes that were shown in it.

Do you see what I mean?

It's just something that film-makers do.

Yes- it's disappointing when you find out
that a great documentary has been fudged,
or edited in a way that manipulates the viewer.

But every film needs a proper flow and a proper ending.

In "Anvil" - the film-maker decided that showing
the performance in Japan was the perfect way to
end the film - seeing how it started that same way!

It starts in Japan - and ends in Japan - Roll Credits.

This is meant to give the audience a nice warm feeling,
so that they come away from the documentary saying:

"Wow- this band came full circle!"

When in reality it's more like:

"This band came full circle ...
and then kept on selling CDs"

I love "The Story of Anvil" and I'm not
even a very big fan of heavy-metal -
I think it's a very good story and I'm
glad these guys are finally getting the
attention that they deserve.

