MovieChat Forums > A Complete Unknown (2024) Discussion > If you paid money to see the movie you s...

If you paid money to see the movie you support sex child abuser Bob Dylan.

A woman accused him of sexual abuse when she was just 12! Bob Dylan is the same monster as Woody Allen. Now Allen has been canceled, and he can't find a job anymore. Why do people not cancel Bob Dylan too? Why make a movie about him? He has been accused of the same crime as Allen!


You're an imbecile. Allen was never even charged, because after an intensive investigation by police and child psychologists, it was determined that he did nothing wrong, that the child was lying, and that her mother probably coached her to lie. Bob Dylan is no "monster", outside the hysterical minds of low-information lunatics like yourself.


My point is double standard, they both face the same charge, Allen got canceled, so why not Dylan?


Shut the fuck up.


Indeed I do support that.




There is none. Of course.


Bob Dylan confesses in his own creepy way many crimes:

Bob Dylan drugged then raped 12 year old girl over 6 weeks.

This is typical for demonic people.


Don’t forget that commercial he did creeping on the lingerie model:


Epstein had financial power of attorney to Les Wexner, Victoria's Secret chief executive


At what point in the video does Bob confess in his own creepy way to drugging then raping 12 year old girl over 6 weeks.? I don't see it.


The woman reported that she was drugged, when she is unable to leave, she described being used as "a sex slave".

Bob Dylan is never going to confess as that would too honest. It is however in their religion which Epstein follows down to the last sentence.

oferim 15 "Even the best of the Goyim should be killed"
Babylonian Talmud "If the Goyim knew our plans they would openly murder us on the streets"
Babylonian Talmud "Gentiles are not made in the image of Adam, but are compared with Asses or Cattle"
Babylonian Talmud "Jesus fornicated with a jackass/donkey (the symbol of evil)"
Babylonian Talmud "If a Jew rapes a child, the child should be killed, as long the child is not Jewish"
Babylonian Talmud "The rape of 3 years old non Jews is permitted"
Babylonian Talmud "Jesus was a wizard and deserves to die"
Yalkut 245c "Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice"
Coschen Hamischpat "A pregnant non-Jew is no better than a pregnant animal"
Jalkut Rubeni Gadol 12b "The souls of non-Jews come from impure spirits and are called pigs"
Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b "If you eat with a Gentile, it is the same as eating with a dog"
Sepher ikkarim IIIc 25 "It is permitted to take the body and the life of a Gentile"
Sanhedrin 57a "When a Jew murders a non Jewish, there will be no punishment"
Sanhedrin 57a "What a Jew steals from a non Jewish he may keep"
Sanhedrin 106a andb,p.725 "Mary was a Whore: Jesus was an evil man"
Kethuboth 11b "A man who engaged in intercourse with a girl less than 3 years of age has done nothing wrong"
Shabbath 116a "Jews must destroy books of the Christians (i.e. the new testament)"
Baba Mezia 113a "Jews may use lies (subterfuges) to circumbent the non Jewish"
Baba Mezia 114b "The non Jewish are not human they are beasts"
Gitten 57a "Jesus is in hell being boiled in hot excrement"
Zohar 1160a "Jews must always try to deceive Christians"


Was he Jewish ?


Enough is enough! This obsession with Jews, blacks, and for whatever reason Charlie Sheen is beyond insane. It doesn't fucking matter what race or religion someone is, any one is capable of acts of evil...the sooner you come to terms with that fact the better. I don't know what issues you have, maybe you're using this obsession to cope with the fact that you are a very sad, unloved person who will certainly die alone, now kindly fuck off, you're not doing Jews any favors by cramming your obsession down peoples throats, you're just annoying stop, and get the professional help you desperately need.


What the HELL does Charlie Sheen have anything to do with this ? Many Jews are sex child abusers. I was just wonder if BD was a Jewish sex child abuser.


You are another MovieChat NAZI obsessed with PEDOs!


This was a real lawsuit which was dropped because the alleged victim destroyed supposed evidence which may never have existed. Tommy Smothers was also accused of child sex abuse and there was nothing to it. Supposed victims can lie. Also both Bob Dylan and Tommy Smothers had only one accuser, or accusers from only one family, when it is well known that child molesters and usually rapists have multiple victims. This is why I also doubt the case against Woody Allen and don't think he should have been canceled.
