MovieChat Forums > Man on Wire (2008) Discussion > Question about the guards... (Spoilers)

Question about the guards... (Spoilers)

There's a point in the film where Philippe says he and his friend had been hiding for 3+ hours in the top floor under a tarp, and finally they made the decision to come out from hiding and start bringing the gear to the roof. As they do this, they spot a guard at a desk who, they say, had his eyes wide open and was staring at them. They freeze in panic, but then eventually, scuttle off quietly.

Nothing is said about this particular encounter again.

It confuses me. If the guard was awake and cognizant of their presence, why didn't he do something? And why didn't they say something about it, like, "for some reason he ignored us - maybe he was in a trance" ? They say nothing.


I'm wondering if that part of the story had been exaggerated a little to give it more drama.


Either the guard couldn't see them in the dark as they were quiet or he assumed they were construction workers working late which I'm sure did happen.


Or: the guard was sleep with his eyes open. It was odd that they didn't mention it anymore, though...


I just come back from the movie's and that is the only thing that left me a bit confused, but I am sure the guard could simply not see them, as it was completely dark. It happens sometime, but it must've been real dark & silent. Or as one mentioned it above, he was the kind of guy who sleeps with eyes wide opens lol like a rabbit ...
Anyway, that movie was breathtaking (literally!) I was Amazed ! Vive Petit !


could be any possibility. guard cant see them; numbed cuz he is bored, just see the shadow of construction worker like people, sleeping with his eyes open...
doesnt matter ... the experience of Phillip is ... he sees a guard staring at them, and he walked across without being disrupted... funny.


I think I can clear this one up. My uncle was the guard! He was indeed asleep, either they were mistaken about his eyes being open or he was sleeping with them open - who knows! He was dismissed from the job following the incident - but appealed and was re-instated. He recently retired from the police force and his leaving card was a series of characitures of events during his professional life one of which was him snoozing while a mysterious figure walks across the tightrope between the towers.


Ha! That's great, thanks for sharing!

I rate everything I watch (pretty much).
