People in their 20's

This movie reminded me that the 20's are just such a great time in life. Think about all the music made by people in their 20's during the 60's and 70's. Beatles, Zep, Stones, Who, etc. Their best work was when they were in their 20's.

When you're in your 20's it has not been established you are a loser. The sky is the limit. Possibilities of where you will go is endless. And you are not so inhibited as to keep anything in reserve so you put it all out there and if it fails, so be it and if it flies it soars.

Oh to be twenty again. I would give you the deed to my house, my IRA, my life savings and my pension just to be dropped on the street in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt penniless and 20 years old.


I am in my twenties and my life is not really great. Unfortunately.


I was close to tears when I saw this movie. How wonderful it must be to live every day as if it were an art form, to fearlessly dance over the abyss.

You mentioned being inhibited. I think that twenty-year olds today are more inhibited than we/they have ever been. If we try to be different, people assume we are pretentious. If we try to be similar, people assume we are conformists. If we are too different, we are given psychiatric treatment or we are left starving on the streets. If we are too similar, we live life blindly and lose what life means for us. I do not mean to sound cynical, but if Philippe Petit was born in 1990, he would've been given a diagnosis of ADHD or Asperger Syndrome by now.

I am a year over twenty, but I felt like a fifty-year old when I saw this movie.

Manuscripts don't burn.



To the original poster: It's a deal!

Actually, I'm not 20-something, but I wonder how may 20-somethings would trade places with you just for the financial stability. The grass-is-always-greener thing.

I'm probably closer to where you are in life. I like to think you can be any age you want to be - just do it. Don't let a number dictate how you should feel or live your life.

There are surveys that indicate that people are happier as they get older, that people in their 60's claim to be happier than when they were in their 20's. No explanation was offered, but I suspect it's because of two things: the uncertainty and angst about where you are going is over, and confidence in knowing how to handle the world is at it's peak.

Sometimes the joy of life is just getting through the day and accomplishing something that was fun or worthwhile, no matter how small. How many people in this world who are constantly under assault from poverty, affliction or strife don't have that luxury?

Auto-Tune is not a genre, please stop treating it as such.
