MovieChat Forums > Man on Wire (2008) Discussion > His written 4 books on this already....g...

His written 4 books on this already....get over it!

Philippe Petit himself has written four books on this one event in his life, sure it was pretty cool what he did but FOUR books? thats a bit much, quit living in the past man.


Your an idiot, he has written 1 book they just have been published under different names. The most common is "To Reach The Clouds" but as his documentary was called Man on Wire he has also released the same book under that name. And who cares how many books he releases the man is an inspiration to others and rightfully should be allowed to write about his experiences!!!


im an idiot for presuming that four books released in four separate dates with four different titles were not the same book? and how is he an inspiration exactly? by cheating on his girlfriend and alienating all his friends because he got his 15 mins of fame? the guy is a total dick, sure he was talented at what he did but his cerainly not an inspiration, he did nothing positive with his talent.


Maybe not, but it makes for a hell of a story. Great film.


short sighted stupid prick


he did nothing positive with his talent.
Duuuuurrrrh! How do people like you even function as humans?


No, he has written seven books, but they're all pretty different and some are in French and one isn't even about wirewalking at all. "To Reach The Clouds" was probably the only one focused on all aspects of the WTC walk.


i don't hate anyone and you have absolutely no idea what iv achieved in my life, i consider myself far from a "nobody" and i am not detracting from what he did im putting it in perspective. if he had done something positive with the attention he gained i would be praising him. if this is the type of person you choose to admire then go ahead, i think i'll stick with positive people for my life.


So who are you then? This guy did something that brought people to tears, made headlines around the world and inspired a great movie that won an Academy Award. He also made for one of the more memorable moments of this year's Oscars. Given that, it takes a lot of nerve for you to say he did "nothing positive with his talent." If you're saying that, you must have done something pretty damn impressive. So, give us the details!


Im me and that's all you need to know weirdo. and he didn't do anything positive with his talent, he just hurt everyone close to him. what good came from his actions? if he had lived a good life, done honorable things and set an example for others that would have been positive. you seem to think getting attention and doing positive things are one and the same, that is a sick view on the world; charles manson made headlines all over the world too. and the oscars are *beep* why even mention them. i gather you are the type of person that thinks paris hilton is a "somebody", while im the type of person that thinks des healy is a "somebody".


So you say that he hurt and used everyone around him but are you telling me that you have never used anyone to get something you want, even if it was the smallest of things???


not that i can remember no



Actually all seven of his books mention this event in various detail. They're all pretty different, and, as I'm sure you know, a few are in French.

And he's working on his eighth. : D



I also thought as a person, he was an arrogant ass. But, you have to be to get yourself to do the things he did.

I thought it was an interesting film. I definitely think he was a bastard for how ungrateful he was to his Girlfriend and friends. At least the film portrayed him to be a heartless little kid.

My prediction...he will die a lonely death. Probably of a sexual disease.


"So who are you then? This guy did something that brought people to tears, made headlines around the world and inspired a great movie that won an Academy Award. "

You can say the same thing about Hitler.

"Lonely men seek companionship. Lonely women sit at home and wait. They never meet."


Phillippe Petit was an amazing, driven, focused, extraordinarily gifted athlete & inspired visionary who feats were admired & revered around the world.

Most of the posters on this thread are fear-driven, uptight, conservative, unimaginative typists known only to their mothers & credit card company collection departments.


He can write ten books for me and I would read every one! If I only had 10% of this mans drive and passion for what he believes in I would be a lot happier.. But I tell you what, by watching this and reading a bit about it and Phillipe himself its risen a few percent...

You're not looking at the picture here anyway, it's not just about this 1 or 2 stunts, it's about life, and people and being driven by something you believe in, to be inspired, and eventually to aspire others just as phillipe is doing by writing as many books as he pleases (oh and there is only i believe the second poster clarified this, thanks) . I take it you have not got anything then? Chill a bit and enjoy the picture...


I guess if he has an audience to buy his books, that justifies him writing them. As for me, I had enough trouble getting through this film, and I won't be seeking out his book anytime soon ... or ever.
