Did the version you saw have subtitles?
The version i saw did'nt have subtitles when they were talking french. I was wondering if there is a version out there that has subtitles?
shareThe version i saw did'nt have subtitles when they were talking french. I was wondering if there is a version out there that has subtitles?
shareI live in the USA and bought the DVD. It had subtitles when French was being spoken.
shareThat's odd. I saw it on Comcast On Demand last night, and yes, when French was spoken there were subtitles.
shareI live in the USA, and the version I saw had no subtitles for the French parts and it was pretty frustrating.
I downloaded a different version, and it did have subs on the French part.
The U.S. DVD I saw had subtitles, including in spots when the interviewees were speaking broken English.