Has this actually come out?

So it says the movie came out last year, but I have checked amazon, best buy, target, and wal-mart websites, even random torrent sites and all I can find is the trailer. So has it actually come out and has now magically dissappeared or is IMDB wrong?



Im asking myself too...

A part of me want to get this over with, like get it, see it, hate it, realize one more time that Boll is a fail.

Another part still want to beleive it could have SOME redeeming factor, since after all its at least set in WW2 like the first game(but no other characters than Rayne) and after the crapfest that was the second movie, it couldn't be worst...

First movie was far from a great movie, but that was a masterpeice compare to the crapfest of the second one...

And i do prefer usually Natassia to Kristanna as actress... it just that she dosen't fit Rayne at all, and the rest was so garbage anyway.


It's been out in the U.K for just over about a week now.
Not seen it yet though as i'm waiting for it to come down in price a bit first.


it's worth a watch.play.com has it cheap.
