Final fight (spoilers!)

Anyone else left feeling underwhelmed by how easily Rayne squashed The Commandant at the end?

I mean, she just pushed him over, kicked him and brained him with a rock. That was literally all there was to the fight.

Dunno if Boll was trying to make the point that Rayne, being 200+ years old is insanely powerful (as we all know, with vampires, they become stronger with age) compared to a guy who was recently 'turned' - but that didn't come across in the rest of the movie...


it was bit sudden, but whole movie lacked polishing, someone should of looked things with fresh eyes and re-think and re-shoot few scenes.


The bit that really jarred with me was how, when attempting to transport Rayne to Berlin, the Nazis just threw her in the back of a truck with the Resistance guy - unrestrained.

Yes, the same Nazis that had repeatedly seen that Rayne was incredibly strong, quick enough to dodge bullets, able to jump 15 feet in the air from standing, resistant to injury and capable of killing tens of armed men single-handed.

At the very least, I'd have expected them to chain her up with something to hold her mouth open. If not truss her up like Hannibal Lecter and nail her to the bed of the truck with three guys with guns trained on her at all times. Though that way, any subsequent truck sex scene with Brendan Fraser's character would be a little too 'special interest' for this kind of movie...



You dumb piece of *beep*

by bubthezombie3 on Sun Oct 30 2011 20:25:51

You should just kill yourself, stop wasting your life and the Earth's resources on your pathetic, queer self and just eat a bullet you worhtless dumb *beep* retard! People like you are the reasons why abortions were created. Eat *beep* die!

My response:

bubthezombie3, you're a troll and a coward. You have something to say, do it in the open for all to see.



"Anyone else left feeling underwhelmed by how easily Rayne squashed The Commandant at the end?"

I thought it was the best part of the movie. Should've been the closing shot.

Commandant drinks too much of Rayne's blood, gets high, and doesn't even really register what's happening to him. "Huh? -SQUISH-"
