MovieChat Forums > Miss March (2009) Discussion > Seriously, If I awoke from a four year c...

Seriously, If I awoke from a four year coma...

I think I'd have bigger priorities than taking off to lose my virginity to some chick I used to know.


You do realize this is a comedy right? Not some crappy stupid drama? It's not supposed to make sense it's supposed to be funny.

"Just cuz you can't see him? You aren't supposed to see him!" - Miz


That doesn't seem that funny though, just kinda pathetic.


Yeah I'm sure a movie about a man who wakes up from a 4 year coma reconnecting with his family members would be hilarious.

Both Candidates suck 08


And I'm sure that everyone would look EXACTLY the same as they looked four years ago, even the guy in the coma. Are they even wearing the same clothes?


Actually, his first priority was to reconnect with his family, but, his dad was a *beep* so that's how it goes.


Plus his brother went crazy and killed his mom and himself, so there is no immediate family left.


yeah haha


You're retarded then. Losing my virginity would be my #1 goal if that happened to me... lol


If you were in such a total coma for so long, you might not even remember what virginity and sex are!

"Shake me up, Judy!"


Premises in a comedy have to at least make sense, not just "oh lol it's a comedy it's supposed to be stupid!!!" The premise is just lazy.


Your complaining that this movie's premise isn't realistic, yet it is about a guy who wakes up from a coma by GETTING HIT IN THE FACE WITH A BASEBALL BAT. Sorry, but I'm afraid this isn't the next "Mystic River".


OK just watch the movie and you'll understand why they are sprung into action. He actually doesn't just get up and go right away.


That's because you're 12 most likely.


Its the biggest priority for EVERY high school kid to get laid...coma or no coma.


Yeah, this is why the movie was pretty disappointing. It lacked jokes, which is pretty important in a comedy. If anybody watches Whitest Kids U'Know (at least Seasons 1 & 2) they are great at sketch comedy. The reason being the plots don't always have to make sense. Sure they have to be ironic in order to be clever, but zaniness, for lack of a better word, reigns supreme. I was disappointed in the movie's plot.
