Did I miss something?
It's really well shot. Most of the cinematography was top notch.
Moody, arty and black and white aside–I felt like it didn't go anywhere. The story gave you a glimpse like a painting, but I never felt attached to any particular character.
I read some metaphoric/allegoric explanations of Nazism, but I'm not sure that makes a difference in liking the journey of the story or not. I'm not sure I agree, since it's mostly a pastoral setting and if so, then so what... It really didn't pay off if the metaphor's presence is/was some lesson to be learned.
It seemed clinical enough to try to make a point, but plays off at the end as a coming of age or pre-war vignette. It wasn't any Fellini's Amacord in my opinion.
What did others like about it? Not the subtext, but just the... text.
"And one of the things that keeps popping up is about "subtext." Plays, novels, songs - they all have a "subtext," which I take to mean a hidden message or import of some kind. So subtext we know. But what do you call the message or meaning that's right there on the surface, completely open and obvious? They never talk about that. What do you call what's above the subtext?" - Barcelona, 1994