MovieChat Forums > Jackass Forever (2022) Discussion > Such a disappointment from the hype.....

Such a disappointment from the hype.....

After all the advanced praise for this flick, I was so disappointed. Hardly any real good laughs. It just landed on Paramount+ and such a dud. I had kept reading where this was the best of all and really, I think it was the worst.

Sadly, the best part was the end credits when they were doing side-by-side juxtaposed shots from their start to the present.


It absolutely was the worst of the lot, but I was still entertained and that's enough for me.


Definitely the worst.

The crew is too old.

I laughed one time, mostly smiled.

The new guys aren't that fun. Way too much screen time for that younger black guy who barely did any stunt. Yeah diversity.

The single Irving sketch wasn't worth the trouble of putting Knoxville in old man makeup.

The final stunt was kinda crappy. OMG army trucks, explosions and a jet, I would never guessed it with the "vomitron" taking place in the middle of the desert!
