All women should be forced to watch this movie..
For their own good. So many are like Heigl's character. The first half of the movie sums it up pretty well.
I'm not saying it's the best movie in the world, or even that Butler's character is right about everything.. but he is on the right track. It's hard to generalise for every single man out there, but it covered most of the bases.
I would guess that some of the people that hated this movie didn't like the "ugly truth".
Don't see it as entertainment, see it as educational and think of Butler's character as a translator. Maybe it's exaggerated but it's a movie afterall. If everyone could watch it, maybe I wouldn't have to put up with seeing or hearing so many comments from people who have no idea what they are talking about. Here is two favourites..
1 - "xxxxxxx" is really perverted.. he must be a peadophile or a serial killer. All those criminal guys are always sex addicts.
Correction - All men are like this. It doesn't make you a serial killer, it makes you a man. Oh but your husband is the one man in the world that isn't right? He sees an attractive woman and averts his eyes like he is looking at a solar eclipse. Not when he's away from you he doesn't.. and it's got nothing to do with how he feels about you, one way or the other.
2 - "xxxxxx" is really nice. He's a really nice guy. He would never do those disgusting things you are talking about. Men are gross. But "xxxxxx" is really sweet. He's a really good friend.
Correction - He's trying to get into your pants, he's thought about your butt(hole), and everywhere else. It's just that he doesn't have the same tools at his disposal as someone like Butler's character does. So he is trying to "get you" the best way he knows how. Because he is low on confidence or weak. Thus not appealing, because there is no challenge. Make no mistake, he wishes he could be one of the *beep* but doesn't know how.
I guess a third point.. this one about women.
3 - "so you want me to be a slut"? I didn't agree with the bra thing in the movie for example.. I love the female body with or without fancy bras. Save your money if you want. I think it's more about making a woman feel good about herself. Men aren't that fussy. But that whole balance about "librarian/stripper" is right. It helps to enjoy sex. It helps to think about things from the men's point of view. "Why should I?" "Why is it my job?"
Because there are women out there that WILL do that, and it doesn't make them bimbos or sluts. Enjoying sex is nothing to be ashamed of. And a women that is pure sex is not someone a man wants to be around. Stripper/librarian remember? Not just stripper all the time.
Cue the crazy competition all women feel towards each other. Which is why you can never take seriously anything that one woman says about another (even on imdb). But there is two choices.. improve yourself, or tear down those around you to bring them to your level. Gee, I wonder which one a man would find attractive. Imagine a world where women weren't allowed to criticise each other?
Worst movie ever? If even one female learned something from watching this movie it was worth it. I think there is alot of hope for a man and woman to be happy together but at least be realistic about it. Seeing things for how they really are. Logic over emotion is not a woman's strong point.
Maybe this all comes across as misogynist. I didn't mean it to be. I don't have much respect for "those" women, but I have alot of respect for those that have taken to the time to understand their partner. Or have even "tried" to understand men at all. As opposed to waiting for Justin Bieber to turn 18 or fantasise about some guy in a romance novel. The couples that are together for more then 5 or 10 years, especially if they've never been married. I know a few couples like this in real life and they know I respect them. So I don't hate women at all, not by a long shot. As a final thought, I will say alot of things women do, where they feel they need to impress men like breast implants or plastic surgery, is very wrong. Or a pressure to look a certain way. The pressure that society puts on is not very fair.