MovieChat Forums > Ghostbusters: The Video Game (2009) Discussion > Was this game once supposed to be set in...

Was this game once supposed to be set in the present?

I started playing this game yesterday, and I'm asking this question because of something I saw in the first cutscene with the Ghostbusters in the car.
You get a glimpse of the rookie's name tag, and it ends with ...ET. The next time you see his name tag (in the elevator of the Sedgewick hotel), it says "Rookie". This made me think that maybe, when the first cutscene was made, the game was supposed to be set in the present, and the rookie was supposed to be Dana's son, Oscar BarrET. Is there any official word about this?


It takes place in 1991.


It takes place in 1991.


I know that. I didn't ask "Is this game set in the present?", I asked "WAS this game ONCE SUPPOSED TO BE set in the present?"


As far as I know, it was always meant to be set in the past.

"Greetings! This is not God, but his close friend, Officer Boscorelli. Please pull over."- Bosco



No. It's set in 1991. It says in the beginning of the game.



Someone needs to read the post title a little closer.

"Greetings! This is not God, but his close friend, Officer Boscorelli. Please pull over."- Bosco


No. You're thinking of the third movie idea. And your question makes it sound like a cutscene was supposed to be take place in the present.


Ironically there was a Ghostbusters game indevelopement that was set in the present to of been made for Xbox 360 but they didnt get the Rights to the game all they made was the demo and some production stills. And thats what inspired this game to get made.



wouldnt it be his initials? which would be OB? haveuing ET is unlikely.

Not, it would not be initals, as the other uniforms show.

I believe "Rookie" was originaly called "Cadet"...hence the ET in one scene.
In fact he is still sometimes called "Cadet" (audibly) in the game itself.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


Don't know which game system you guys played, but on PS2 in the museum part when you're roaming around the Mayan exhibit with Winston he mentions 2012 and how he believes 2012 isn't the end of the world and that the Mayans were "just lazy" to complete more calendars.

Was the 2012 theory known back in 1991?

Carry on my wayward son


Was the 2012 theory known back in 1991?

The 2012 theory has been known for centuires...along with all the other "end of the world" theories.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


The game is set 1 year after GB2 in 1991 !


Wow. Ghostbusters 2 was set in '89, five years after the original. So it's two years after the second. And just in case you can't figure out the math for the years between the first movie and the game, it's seven.

"Greetings! This is not God, but his close friend, Officer Boscorelli. Please pull over."- Bosco
