Not too bad considering,,,

So I didn't expect much from a low-rate sequel, so if it was disappointing I wouldn't care too much. I was a little surprized when it turned out to be not so bad. Since Rusty Nail isn't credited, I can assume that the original actor Ted Levine, who later acted again with Paul Walker in Fast and the Furious, did not return to voice the raspy Rusty Nail. The voice they did cast though was definitely a close second. I recall that in the first film they spent a lot of effort casting the voice to make the role, so this was the major turning point to if the movie would be successful as a sequel. I definitely bought it. It took quite a while before I realized that it wasn't him. The one disappointment was the lack of acting skills of the kids. They seemed a little green for suspense/drama/horror. I was also glad that it just wasn't another short build up to a single climax and a crappy cliffhanger ending. There were many peaks and lows to definitely keep you going. On a whole it still didnt top the original film, and I can guess a third won't be in the works unless it turn out to be a bitter disappointement. I will give "Dead Ahead" a 6.5 out of ten.
