MovieChat Forums > Apparitions (2008) Discussion > Episode 4 - Unborn demons

Episode 4 - Unborn demons

Episode 4; Unborn demons - Jacob is called to an abortion clinic, where he discovers a pregnant woman who is possessed by unborn demons.

As was mentioned by Sparky-5 in another thread

I am disturbed by stories of people or devils who want to
harm pregnant women

I have to say I agree, my level of tolerance for this type of thing has disappeared after having children myself.

I still think it will be a great episode if handled anything like last week's episode so will have to watch this with the lights on and fast-forwarding the scary bits with the Sky+

Please give feed back.

Bean Girl: Charlie Darling
...The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few...



The episode wasn't too bad, cos the women didn't actually have the babies.

The idea of unborn babies turning into demons is really a bit looneytunes. I mean okay, we're all born with original sin, I go along with that, but actual demons inhabiting babies???? The only comfort I can derive from all the abortions happening in the world is that these souls go straight to heaven without having to inhabit this vale of tears. So to say they are actually demons????

I think that this episode should have come with a warning, do not watch if you a) think deeply about spiritual things and b) have had an abortion that you have residual feelings of guilt about.

If I had ever had an abortion, I wouldn't have wanted to watch that episode.


Thank you for the explanation about what happened to the doctor, I had no idea about how abortions were performed so did not really understand what had happened. I did realise she had been killed though.

It did raise a few thoughts, mainly the topic of abortion and woman's right's to chose what they wish for their bodies and the rights of the unborn.

For the record I am neutral and I have my own views about what I would do personally.

This is a very hot topic as well as homosexuality within the Catholic faith and I think the show handled it wonderfully, as Father Jacob said at the entrance to the Abortion clinic when a demonstrator asked for a prayer of support, He asked God to give them the strength not to judge.
Something this episode did not do.

It could easily have, being a show about Catholics.

Also the gore factor was quite low key considering the past episodes.

Bean Girl: Charlie Darling
...The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few...


It could easily have, being a show about Catholics.

Absolutely right! This show has shied away from a lot of shooting-fish-in-a-barrel Catholic stereotypes. And thus it is to be commended. It's something quite amazing and enjoyable to watch a show about a culture I know little about (the Catholic church) and not feel as if it's patronising or trading on stereotypes. I feel as if the writer has an original voice and amazingly have managed to get the BBC to allow them to put their vision on the screen.



I had no idea about how abortions were performed

Not all are done that way, it is a specific technique for late term abortions (usually performed due to fetal malformation) which are pretty rare, the majority of abortions are done chemically and in the first few weeks.

I don't believe in original sin, it is very much a christian concept but I am enjoying this series, I recall enough of my RC school days to remember bits and pieces of the mantra!!

If you love Satan and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!
