A sinister apparition of the Virgin Mary haunts a Muslim family who seem to have a connection to Michael. Father Jacob realises he will lose Michael's soul forever unless he can convince the family that the apparition is a fake
A place to review episode 5
Bean Girl: Charlie Darling ...The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few...
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Yes, last night's episode was tame in comparison to what has gone on before. I did still really enjoy it.
I like the very unsubtle way they kept highlighting the similarities between Catholicism, (Christianity) and Muslin rather than the differences. Yes.
Next week's episode looks as if it will be brilliant but I can not see how they can tie everything up in just one episode, so I am hoping desperately that they will commission another series.
I would never have guessed the possession of Father Jacob but I have also had my doubts from way back about Cardinal Bukovak
Damn the BBC and their sparseness when it comes to good shows. Life on Mars Springs to mind.
I agree about converting, Father Jacob's has made Catholicism very sexy.
Bean Girl: Charlie Darling ...The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few...
The priest bit is no part in the attractiveness for me. I don't want to cause him emotional pain by making him break his vow of celibacy. I just think he's sexy because Martin Shaw is, and his voice is gorgeous and Father Jacob is such a warm person.