What Possessed The BBC To Make This Twaddle?
I love "The Exorcist", I loved "Ultraviolet" and I'm a big Martin Shaw fan so I'm a happy bunny right?
This first episode is a nasty piece of work but in all the wrong ways.
On just about every level this series opener had me foaming at the bit spitting profanities at the screen.
To start with, it's dull, anodyne and about as tense and compelling as the opening of a Horlicks jar but we have come to expect that sort of thing from the BBC after such shows as the execrable "Bone Kickers".
Where that show is just laughably silly this one is distasteful and dare I say it possibly dangerous.
Not punk rock daring dangerous but in a lazy morally rudderless way.
Enter a world where cured leper begger boys owe their health not to medical science, not even to a saintly miracle but to the devil himself.
Where a homosexual's first exploration of his natural inclinations is a doorway through which Satan can break through.
Pedophiles, oh they are possessed by devil's too as are atheists and the mental ill.
So not only are humans not responsible for evil acts like torture, murder and child rape, these acts exist on the same plane of parity as consensual sex between men, getting well suddenly, swearing at the telly during a football match and letting Richard Dawkins onto your bookshelf.
The Exorcist worked because at all points it went to great pains to dismiss a diagnosis of physical or mental illness, the demon in Regan McNeil was clearly a demon not just a troublesome overactive attention seeking tweenager. Karras was a well drawn character, full of doubts and pain who when he failed to see God acting stood up to the plate and did good himself.
In Ultraviolet the vampires were cruel and compelling but never a Halloween mask to stick on a scapegoat or fairy tale explanation for a complex social problem.
I will keep watching but only in the hope that this a first episode flutter or that it will redeem itself later.
But I worry that this series will unchecked demonise people who are either not doing anything wrong or desperately need medical help.
It's almost as if the age of enlightenment never happened.