I dont think it will get another season. The main reasons being that the British public are too stupid to get it, bringing in stories about Legion and the war in the Balkans, and muslims etc etc is just to complicated for most dumbed down Brits. People also dont like to be scared, they want light entertainment where they dont have to think and they can talk about it the next day and read about it in the garbage media, they would much rather watch The X factor or celebrity juice. Silent witness gets better viewing figures because the same scare factor or think factor isnt there, you just watch it until the bad guy is caught and no super natural scares get in the way.
Also I think allot of religious people probably didnt like it. So really it had barely an audience to begin with and then the most terrible time slot. And Harry Hills ridicule of it on TV burp didnt help matters as it probably made people that liked it at first think that maybe it was stupid and not watch it again.
Im sure the situation in america is similar, but you guys do seem to have a way of producing the finest TV drama with the wire, the shield, true blood, Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire, Game of Thrones. Its crazy that you still have crap like Jay Leno, Jersey Shore, Glenn Beck, two and a half men. But thats what the majority of the public want.
I personally thought it was a great, clever drama with horror elements. Its a shame that we wont see any more.