When was Cayetano Ruiz born?
I need to know this for a fan fiction I am writing. Novel Ávila and film Ávila's ages don't jibe. Knowing the actor's age could help push film Ávila's age one way or the other.
shareI need to know this for a fan fiction I am writing. Novel Ávila and film Ávila's ages don't jibe. Knowing the actor's age could help push film Ávila's age one way or the other.
shareNever found his birth date, but someone in Sweden sussed out that he is not a film actor. He's a theatrical director who happened to play a role in a film.
shareI doubt anybody's going to have an answer to this, especially considering how dead the board for the film is. It says under his bio that he's only ever acted in LTROI, so I can't see Google helping either, I'm afraid. However, as a rule of thumb, I'd simply stick to the book as my primary source of canon.
"All these squares make a circle."
Which would work depending on the circumstances. My situation is that I'm into a novel length fan fiction that is peopled with Lina, Kåre, and Mr. Ruiz...
When there are conflicts between the film (starts in February) and the novel (starts in October), I keep the references general enough so that the story raises a minimum of cognitive dissonance. With Mr. Ávila, I can't make that work. He looks like Mr. Ruiz and is balding. :)
Is this story some sort of fictional/reality-driven crossover? Interesting concept, if so. I will say, however, that most readers likely won't care enough about a detail like this one to be confused or annoyed when reading the story. If it were for a main character it might be different, but not where a more secondary character like Ávila is concerned. Considering that people of all ages can bald - I've seen teenagers almost completely bare - it would probably work out if you gave a rough approximation of age, perhaps forty or so in this case.
Anyway, just my thoughts.
"All these squares make a circle."
Thanks for your note! Forty is about right. I have Mr. Ávila having been born in Barcelona in 1941. In the wonderful, mythical world of fan fiction, Oskar and Eli slowly revert to a semi-feral life after Karlstad. That happens when two preteen vampires don't have an adult to help them. After running and hiding for more than a year, the kids end up back in Blackeberg. Long story short, Mr. Ávila is living as a semi-recluse, in despair because he thinks Oskar is dead and that he could have prevented it. They team up and live happily ever after.
Ha ha! Not really. The little family of three moves to Malmö and many adventures ensue. They say goodbye to Blackeberg in part 2 when Mr. Ávila becomes their guardian, so he's a major character now. They've been living in a big house in Malmo through parts 3, 4, 5, and 6. Part 7 is in the works, and it looks like the little family won't light out for Barcelona until the end of part 8.
The story, "Set Me as a Seal upon Your Heart," is in Fan Fiction on the fan site, We the Infected.