Just wanting to get noticed by dumping on anything and everything. Typical attention starvation. How can anyone who has never been to Sweden, or the Western suburbs, comment about the visuals which were a huge part of the film. The horrible attempts to sell it in the English regions by dubbing resulting in never ending conflicts in translation. Only those who speak Swedish should review the film. It was never intended to be released outside Europe this angered the Hollywood establishment as they didn't get their cut. It was snubbed by the Oscars for best foreign film for this very reason-all one needs to do is look at the stupid documentary that won-if you can remember it. The insertion of the Pub and the locals that hung out there in the screenplay was done as an afterthought because the manuscript had a much more of a supernatural feel to it. That area still looks as it did in 2007 and it has acquired a life of it's own.