The Shopping Mall Space Mural...

... Does anyone remember this?

I don't remember seeing this being discussed anywhere but there was a bit when Noa - I think when he was with the gay ape Raka - pass through an old shopping mall.

They climbed up to the top of an escalator (as I recall) and on the wall was a mural, showing some sort of space tourism - I think it was shuttles taking iff and a family looking on...

Anyone else recall this detail? Not sure how it fit in with the previous trilogy...


There appear to be two separate images you may be combining. The figures in the color mural are fifties style people and are surrounded by and looking up at various conventional aircraft including a propellor transport plane and a Wright flyer. It is airport imagery. There is also an astronaut in a bas relief on the wall of the observatory and this is shown again when they revisit the observatory at the end.
I recall in the first film that there was TV news about a deep space probe, and I wonder if this is going to pay off. Furtherore, I didn't catch the words we heard as the "resistance" (presumably people unexposed to the virus) used their communications equipment at the end, but I wonder if there are satellites and possibly a space habitat... I don't recall if there is any reason to believe that the virus apocalypse was supposed to be set in the present day or a few decades into the future, justifying some more advanced space technology.


Thanks. You may well be correct!

I do remember the observatory astronaut mural as a separate thing but I thought that colourful 50s style one you mentioned had kids pointing at shuttle taking off but maybe I had that completely wrong and they were just aircraft...


Well, it was partly obscured but there was definitely: Wright Flyer, a prop transport, an older jet and, maybe, off to the right and hard to make out - the space shuttle. It really was just a history of aviation kind thing. And, I checked and discovered that the communications link through a satellite connected them with Indiana, not a space habitat.
