it Was Awesome

I Liked it


It was certainly nowhere near the flop critics made it out to be.


It was great nice action packed and fast paced


A thrill... Worth seeing in cinema for sure!


I liked it too. Best film Eli Roth has done. I loved that scene when Back In Black started to play, it was badass. Good popcorn action, nothing more, nothing less. 7/10


How is it in conjunction with the original, olio?

What you know of me, o, would I enjoy it?


I haven't seen the original so can't comment on that. If you like action/vigilante films and Willis you should enjoy Death Wish, it's like a fun well made b-movie. And when was the last time that Willis was in anything worth watching..


I may have to watch this


Surprisingly fun movie!


I wouldn't go as far as to call it awesome. Some parts were awesome though. Overall it was just good.

Death Sentence was far better.


Only a decent movie all-in-all, but I did like seeing a film that was overtly pro-Second Amendment. Considering how liberal Hollywood tends to skew, it was nice to see something coming from the other direction.


What makes you think it's pro-Second amendment? Because the main character uses guns?

And how would that be a good thing you dumbass? Are you one of those gun but idiots? The second amendment is a very bad thing.


First off, thanks for demonstrating that the left's first response to anything is to hurl insults rather than engage in polite discussion. Typical bullshit.

And frankly, if you think "second amendment is a very bad thing," then you just haven't taken the time to educate yourself on the issue. You should learn about the way that governments throughout history--in the 19th and 20th centuries--have used gun control laws to suppress elements of the populace and deny them other rights. You should also look at relevant raw statistics and see how more legally owned guns usually equals less crime in any given area.

Regarding the film, it's clearly pro-Second Amendment. Not only is the argument put forward that individuals should be armed for self-defense because by the time the police arrive the crime has usually already been committed, but we see the validation of this statement at the end of the film when Bruce Willis defends his family with his recently-purchased firearms.


What "left" are you on about? Do I look like a politician? Don't assign me to some group I don't give a crap about. I don't follow what others do, I come up with my own opinions.

I should look up statistics? No, it's you that needs to. Go look at how many gun violent deaths there are in the US compared to countries with gun control, moron.

And why does a character doing something in the film suggest the filmmakers intentions? You could just easily say the movie is anti-second amendment due to the portrayal of how ridiculously easy it was for someone to buy guns in such short notice without a background check.


Still slinging insults? Good job.

Did you know that about 66% of gun deaths are suicide?

Don't worry if you didn't. Not many people do.

Personally I think that if someone wants to commit suicide then they damn well have a right to. If a gun makes it easier and less painful, all the better.


Yes of course. How will the idiots ever learn if they are not insulted?

So 34% being murder is okay?

Suicide by gun is not okay either. And the ease of getting guns makes more people commit suicide, due to the ease of it. Whereas if they didn't have guns they may not want to risk trying to commit suicide in a way that could be painful, and they'll have a better chance of trying to get help/fix their depression.

No one should be getting depressed in the first place and that is arguably an even more important issue than gun control. But that is another issue, and extends to many other countries, not just the US.


"34% being murder is okay?"

People are murdered all the time in countries with strict gun laws. They are murdered with illegal firearms, they are murdered with knives, they are murdered with vehicles, they are murdered with baseball bats and fists and all other manner of weaponry, conventional and otherwise.

What's a 5'1", 100 lb woman supposed to do when attacked by a man who is 6'2", 200 lbs? Is she supposed to kickbox him?

Furthermore, statistics show that when legal gun ownership increases in an area, crime goes down. John Lott has shown this clearly in his studies and others have confirmed it.

Furthermore, you seem to think that the only reasonable use for a firearm is to murder someone. Firearms are also used defensively. Firearms are used for hunting. Firearms are used for sport. Firearms are used, and have been used even in this country, to throw off tyrannical government (go research the Battle of Athens a.k.a. the McMinn County War).

It's obvious that you've formed a knee-jerk reaction to the gun question without actually doing any in-depth research. It's easy to get emotional in the face of school shootings and the like and go "we have to get rid of the guns!" but this is ignoring 10 other angles of the gun issue.

You should spend less time calling strangers names and more time actually educating yourself.
