MovieChat Forums > Awaydays (2009) Discussion > NOT SET OR FILMED IN LIVERPOOL


Filming locations for this film say LIVERPOOL but the Wirral is not Liverpool.
Most of the reviews and comments mention Liverpool,I am not from there but even I know the difference between Liverpool and The Wirral.

Some of the scenes in this film make the area look attractive,so it would be good to know exactly where we are looking at.


Well the story Awaydays is set on the Wirral and the movie was mainly filmed on the Wirral...

Some places I know they filmed at: GreenLane train station, Pacific Road and somewhere on the coast of the river mersey...

"Basically, you're out voted."...'what? here?'... "In civilised thought" Louis Theroux Nazi Twins


They're in the Cavern Club at some point arn't they?

If your not drunk and half naked by this point your not paying attention


I heard it was Heebie Jeebies the club scenes were filmed in.

Also, I'm from the Wirral but live in Liverpool and agree with the location being referred to as Liverpool, you go anywhere in the world and say Liverpool and everyone knows where it is, you say Wirral and you have to explain where it is and you always end up saying it's over the river from guess where Liverpool.


Yes they go to a club in Liverpool but most of it is not set in Liverpool but lazy reviews say it is.


The scene in "Probe" was actually filmed in Hairy Records at the top of Bold Street.

When the ships are going past Elvis is at Eastham Ferry. The ships are off to Manchester down the ship canal.

The first time Carty meets some of the Pack with his new Green Flash and cagoule is New Brighton.



To 99.9999% of the world, the Wirral doesn't register. So Liverpool will do just fine. Now Shut it.


The Wirral registers with people in lots of places, Liverpool not being one of them because they can't ever see past themselves.


What a stupid comment


The accents were terrible, John Godden was the closest but the rest were pretty much all over the place. The 'pack' were supposed to come from Woodchurch, Noctorum, Ford and the North End of Birkenhead and nobody in any of those places talk like these actors did.

I understand that accents are sometimes toned down to appeal to a wider audience but films lose all authenticity when they do. Look at films like Sweet Sixteen and My Name is Joe, both set in Glasgow, for authentic accents and you can see the difference - you believe what is happening and the story does the rest.

The rugby team from Caldy were more likely to have accents like the pack did (and not southern, upper class as portrayed here).

Also, they always seemed to be fighting people who looked ten years older than them.

Bad film, book was good though.


Eastham Ferry is in there (watching the tankers) and possibly the promenade at New Brighton (carty walking with sister by sea)-though not sure there-anyone?. The black jetty near the beginning is at Tranmere. Being from The Woody refers to the then infamous Woodchurch estate in Birkenhead but you probably wouldn't want to go there. It was smack central in the 80' be fair- maybe its moved on since.


I just watched this on youtube - I rate it 5 out of 10 as its a film thats worth watching once.

I recognised the train station as Birkenhead North (which is nowhere near Tranmere's ground and is actually out of the way for all visiting fans).

The scenes on the Mersey were shot at New Ferry, Rock Ferry and Eastham ferry - I'm not sure but Leasowe might be in there too.

The pub scenes were shot near Birkenhead Park train station in a pub I'm sure is called the Park View. (there are some very cheap and decent boozers down that end of the Wirral - and trouble ever hardly happens, so do visit).

In the running scene he hot foots it from the cemetery in either Bidston or the Noctorum, through the North End, to the East of Cammell Laird's boatyard, under Green Lane train station, through Hamilton square and back to the North end (thats about a 16 mile round trip).

The Tranmere Rovers fans (well a small section of them) used to have a reputation as racist and violent. The fights would happen usually at or near Rock ferry or Green Lane train stations. Either i don't get out enough or the fans no longer fight. Tranmere Rovers (average gate is 6,000) now enjoy the reputation of being the smallest of the three Merseyside football clubs (after Liverpool and Everton), as such they have an underdog spirit and often enjoy the support of the fans from the other teams in big games.

Finally, no one talks like they do in the film. The Wirral is a lovely place to visit with many golf courses and nature trails, a fair smattering of history, beautiful scenery and friendly people.


The running scene at the beginning is filmed in Rake Lane Cemetery which is literally 5 mins from where I live. Also one scene where they are standing outside a pub waiting for a bus is The Pilot Boat which is in New Brighton.
