Brilliant film
It's funny, but everyone who hates this film uses CAPITAL LETTERS or just says things like 'crap' *beep* etc. everyone who likes this film gives good, concise reasons for why they like it. There is a lot going on in this film. Watch it at least three times before giving your opinions. It's actually very subtle and very clever and is NOT A HOOLIGAN FILM! (Sorry for the capitals). I have seen Awaydays three times now. Once in the cinema, once when it came out on DVD and tonight.
It improves with every watch. Also, I am a born and bred Wirralalian and have lived in Liverpool ( Walton) for the last eleven years and the accents dont bother me in the slightest. In fact someone should remove the 'goof' that all the 'scouse' accents are fake because they shoud'nt be scouse at all. The Wirral has a range of accents and that actually does show in the film. Some are thick scouse some are dead posh. I only wish that Tranmere had allowed their name to be mentioned! Way better than any other film with football hooliganism in it. Kermode made this his film of the week. This will be a cult classic. Thick hoolie types can do one.