MovieChat Forums > Sex Drive (2008) Discussion > i dont like to say this but

i dont like to say this but

this is THE worst movie i have ever seen.

every once in a while i get to watch a really really bad movie that lowers the bar but this is just ridiculously low.

i prefer to watch 2 hours marathon of "artistic" college shorts.

i warn you, if you dont want to waste time on horrible movies, avoid this at all cost !


I've seen much, much worse.


Loved this movie, thought it was very funny. Worst, thats a little harsh.


Its kind of a movie out of its time. It would have been more successful if it was released in 1988. It reminded me of those stupid teen comedies of my highschool youth.


Makes me wonder all these people saying worst movie ever.. Even at worst it's fair but cliche.. What are the odds slot if the worst eve r reviwews are coming from people who download the film.. It seems most downloads according to this board are the "unrated" version. I would definitely hesitate in calling that a movie.. As it is full of gaffes, double takes and over the top jokes that make zero sense in the context of the movie itself.

Seen both versions.. And while the unrated version is fun.. It's definitely not the way I'd recommend the first viewing of the movie.
