MovieChat Forums > Warehouse 13 (2009) Discussion > This is why writers should stay away fro...

This is why writers should stay away from time travel...

Okay, unless I'm mistaken, and please let me know if I am- Artie and son are trying to end a timeloop that has removed a bunch of people from our time continuum. So those people never left that club and events unfolded without them culminating in the world that Artie knows now. By bagging the artifact the time loop is ended and all those people now create a brand new timeline. Who's to say that the world would not have been changed in ways he couldn't foresee? I.E. losing the war, the A-Bomb being used on the allies etc. I don't think he could risk altering the timeline like that. Seems like the prudent thing to do would have been to leave it alone, no?



Stop thinking....just enjoy

That would make a great campaign slogan!


Pretty much already is the hidden campaign slogan for most politicians...


Isn't it already?! Seems that's American now. "Don't think, just enjoy"


Wha? Your EBT card not big enough.... Here's another freeeeeee phone. How about free everything? OK, enjoy it now?


They referenced, and clearly stated they weren't dealing with, the possible complications of time travel when they followed Paracelsus back (I think that's when it was) and whenever someone started talking about it Pete said something along the lines of "Don't talk about it, it gives me a headache trying to understand time travel".

My shoes are too tight, but it doesn't matter because I've forgotten how to dance


Maybe it was suppose to end, so what did happen, happened. Does that make sense? When the artifact was bagged, everyone in the time loop went back in time, right? What if what has been happening so far, is what happened when everyone came back from the stopped time loop?


That would be the W13 idea as given in the real time travel ep. Pete keeps trying to 'change' things, but it turns out they were things that he always did all along. Even before they go back in time, Rebecca already had lost time.


Think of the artifact putting the group into a quantum subspace that appears every year, at the same time, for the exact amount of time. Bagging the artifact removed that reoccurring wormhole in spacetime. Those people sacrificed their lives the moment she cast that subspace around them. Their time line branched as part of the multiverse, never impacting this universe's spacetime.
