MovieChat Forums > Warehouse 13 (2009) Discussion > Were any of the defining moments from th...

Were any of the defining moments from the series?

I expected to recognize the defining moments, but apparently they all happened during missions not worthy of airing during the run.
I guess it's so it wouldn't be a pure clip show finale.

Unless my memory is shaky and someone out there actually thinks those "memories" were previously shown.

All in all, I liked the wrap-up though. Sure beats just reading on the web that it's not coming back and the last show you saw was the last show. Thanks, SyFy!


I thought the finale was fantastic! It would have been a major let down if the defining moments were all ones that we have already seen. In fact I think I would have wanted to have seen some of those moments as complete episodes.

It would have been a bummer had they made the season four finale have been the last one with the cliffhanger and all...Although it would have been better to have gotten a full season, but no use crying over spilled milk as they say.

