MovieChat Forums > Warehouse 13 (2009) Discussion > 42nd St. Musical Was Scary ...

42nd St. Musical Was Scary ...

It was a perfect fit as part of a dangerous magical artifact that needed to be contained. I thought the original flashbacks in the finale captured the mood and chemistry of the series very well. That dreadful song is still running through my mind.

It was a great send off for the series ...
1. Someone watching the finale would get an adequate taste of what the series was all about.

2. I loved the chemistry between Claudia and Artie.

3. It had enough closure for the characters, they each got to have an emotional connection to their experience of being at Warehouse 13. It totally sucks when a series you like just abruptly ends.

4. Showing Claudia in the future long after her friends were long dead was very touching and actually made me like the Mrs. Frederic's character better. During the series run, I thought she was too stiff and un-engaged. However, I can now see the perspective that if you live hundreds of years you get emotionally engaged in a much different way with people that you are destined to outlive. You love them but don't get obsessed with temporary things. You tend to be aloof because they won't understand the connections that you make so you don't explain them.

I know some wanted to know exactly what became of Artie, Pete, Myka, and perhaps even the newcomer Steve but I think that it should be obvious that they continued to be agents and live exciting lives. Pete and Myka became a couple, I don't need every single thing spelled out.

Hey, at least they spent money to create original flash backs and didn't resort to actual old footage. Also, I am glad that they didn't have a 'bad guy' pop up and ruin the fun.

