MovieChat Forums > Warehouse 13 (2009) Discussion > Season 5 is (quite unfortunately) a comp...

Season 5 is (quite unfortunately) a complete mess

What happend to this awesome, quirky, original, little show?

So much bad writing, out of character moments, and elements created out of thin air characterize season 5, it’s unbelievable. Where was the team that gave us wonderful episodes, like Emily Lake and Stand, for example?



-So they had to actually fabricate a flashback moment to introduce the possibility that Myka is in love with Pete? Plus she HAD to be told she was in love? Writing for a plot story (making a couple out of the two lead) instead of for the characters (meaning following the overall arc development of those characters) felt amateurish at best. You cannot show two characters acting like siblings for years, then push, at the very last minute, a romance with no clues that they felt this way before. There were actual clues about a possible romance between Myka and HG , but they chose to ignore this completely this last season. Introducing elements to ignore them after, and even to contradict them after, felt, again, very amateurish.
-Did they really had to go the route of Castle, Bones, Mentalist, etc., etc., etc., Remington Steele, Moonlighting, and make Pete and Myka an item? Why not stay original? There were the only one having a male/female team members that were friends. Why mess up this beautiful friendship/sibling-like relationship? Why imitate all every other shows? (And badly at that. It is clear has crystal, from the pilot of Castle, that Castle and Beckett are going to end up together. That’s not original, but you cannot say this relationship came out of nowhere).
-The Warehouse defining moment of Myka is sleuthing in the suburbs, and being attacked by ninjas? Really? Of all the missions she did? Seems ridiculous at best. Unless it’s “defining” in the sense that it’s when she supposedly had a “look of love” for Pete. BUT that would mean her defining moment is not has an agent, but has a love interest. That would reduce Myka, once a competent agent, as a mere love interest in the eyes of the Warehouse. So, that doesn’t work either…
-Not only Claudia has a sister (surprise!), but Artie has a son (surprise!). Any other family members we should know about?
-Sorry, but not once Pete acted like an actual agent this season. (Wait: He did act like a professional once when he saved the day in China.) He was always “let’s have fun while working”, but there was a time he still made a passable agent.
-Myka… Doesn’t seem herself this year.
-Did they forgot about Abigail?
-Only six episodes to go, and they waste one on this telenovela one? It could have been funny, but it was tedious and redundant.
-They introduced and developed the fascinating HG Wells character over several seasons, and they made her come back for only this… I know Jaime Murray is working on another show, but still… They could have written her a better part.

Some good points, at least:

-The Artie/Jinks scenes from Cangku Shisi.
-Artie’s monologue to the Warehouse in Endless.
-Mrs F. laughing in the finale.

Well, that’s all very disappointing.



I don't they made it up as they went so much as were forced to try and get the overarching Season 5 storylines (i.e. - Pete and Myka realizing their feelings for each other, Claudia realizing that she doesn't necessarily have to accept her role as Caretaker if she doesn't want it, AlterValda causing havock and setting up Warehouse 14, Claudia's sister, etc) condensed down to a timeframe that encompasses less than half the time they are used to. It tends to make everything feel kinda rushed.


The OP is right. I feel sorry for the actors for the shows this year. The tap dancing scenes were embarrassing. The really good storyline this year, was Claudia's sister. I wish their was more time to expand on that. All in all, this season should not have been filmed! It would have been better just to have stooped after season 4.

You may be right, I might be crazy, but it just may be a lunatic you are looking for!


All in all, this season should not have been filmed! It would have been better just to have stooped after season 4.

Unfortunately, I have to agree! Rushing the storyline in the first episode of the season is understandable. Making season 4’s cliffhanger, they did not know they would have so few episodes to wrap everything. But, once they knew they had only six episodes, they should have made the most of it, meaning especially not lose time on embarrassing, unnecessary scenes and storylines. And they could not afford to bring up numerous elements that they had no time to develop. Among other things, the way they forced the Pete and Myka relationship is embarrassing. Going boldly in one direction for four years, only to backtrack at the end look like gross retcon.

I also think that many scenes were forced to appear more comical than they were in reality.

It might sound harsh, but I’m not criticizing for the fun of it. I am a very loyal fan, and I’m talking about what was once my favourite series. The sad fact is S5 is embarrassing. They were able to do way better than this.


They knew they had only 6 episodes. They shouldn't have tried to tackle so many arcs in such a short time frame.
No other seasons had so many arcs and those were full seasons.


I have to disagree. Season 5 is not a complete mess. It's better than season 4.


I may not watch it. I just finished the tedium of Season 4. No fun at all, A lot of bickering and uninteresting plot convolutions.
