How did Claudia get in those clothes. They are dancing, non stop, Are the clothes artifacts, Did the gang strap her to a rack because I would think with the constantly moving feet while they had constantly moving feet would be nigh impossible.
Maybe they used another artifact to create a "safe room" where she was able to change. The others wouldn't be hanging out in the safe room because they were working on fixing the situation.
My only problem with the finale was that it meant the show was over. But seriously I didn't care much for the future scene in the last couple final minutes.
Yeah, the idea for that future scene was fine, but the execution was awful. I mean Claudia was acting like a jerk for no apparent reason, and those three people didn't remind me at all of Pete, Myka, and Artie. It was poorly written and poorly directed.
The rest of the episode was good though, especially Claudia's defining moment memory.
I disagree. I thought the final minutes in the future were great. It shows that Claudia did become the caretaker (despite her doubts), and she is just a bit like Mrs. Fredricks. The new agents did remind me a little of Artie and P & M, but they are different individuals (not clones, etc.). Just shows that it takes a certain type of person to be a warehouse agent. I also liked how Claudia goes to the time capsule thing at the very end to reminisce about her old friends.
The future scene is very important, regardless of execution. It shows that the warehouse never moved and they continued their lives as we have known them. Plus being decades in the future, plenty of room to make movies or holiday specials in the future if they so wish.
"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"