MovieChat Forums > Warehouse 13 (2009) Discussion > Claudia is exactly what this show needed...

Claudia is exactly what this show needed.

Watching it for the first time. The show was quite off till Claudia showed up. I don't know if she was part of the original vision or not. But she's exactly the glue it took to jell up the cast. Crucial as a show device for giving Artie a way to explain to the audience what he's doing. And in general, quirky, fun and energetic.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


I found that she became annoying at times with her catchphrases and hip mutterings. For a tech-geek who grew up in a mental institution she seems to have a "pretty fly for a white girl" attitude that at times will make you want her off the screen before you hit it with a piece of whatever food it is you are holding.

But she's easy on the eyes like most of the female characters, CCH Pounder included, and she can play Pixies songs on guitar. You can't hold a grudge against her attitude for long.

Ya Kirk-loving Spocksucker!


She was one of my favorite characters -- at first. But MAN...did she get majorly annoying by season 3.

(Then that point almost ALL of the characters got so over the top it ruined the show. Like too many other shows that were great in the first couple of years, and then took themselves too seriously and lost the thread of what made them great -- novelty, understatement, etc -- this show went so off the rails it was really sad. There just aren't a lot of really good actors in this series who can pull of the range of emotions needed to make it all work. Too many new characters that just disappeared with no rhyme or reason (Kelly, for example) and the over-emotion invested (she's "the one") in them just doesn't begin to ring true. The same with the unrealistic timelines of the globetrotting in which they're all around the globe in a matter of hours. It's just stupid. It's like they tried to jam multiple Indian Jones movies into as little time as they possibly could. The characters suffered. The plots suffered. And the believability went into the crapper.)

Love isn't what you say or how you feel, it's what you do. (The Last Kiss)
