MovieChat Forums > Warehouse 13 (2009) Discussion > Why burn Jinks's credit?

Why burn Jinks's credit?

Just started watching recently. I'm in Season 3 right now. I think that I'm finding season 3 less annoying than those who watched it during the first run, because I'm watching everything pretty much in one go. However, I have come across this one tidbit that's nagging at me. They fired Jinks and subsequently voided his passport and burned his credit rating. I can almost understand the passport thing. He knows a lot, and they might want to keep him in the country, close by where they can easily monitor his comings and goings. However, I don't understand burning his credit. Doing that makes it much more difficult for him to get a job and otherwise conduct any semblance of normalcy in providing for himself. Yes, it is possible to survive without using credit, but he's just been fired. So, he needs to be able to move on quickly. Making that more difficult for him only increases the chances that he'll be willing to doing something unseemly in order to accomplish that. It's as though they're trying to make him an easy mark for their enemies, or is that the point, and I just haven't gotten to that episode yet?


When you get through the season three finale it is revealed that all of that is:

all a ruse for Steve to gain Sykes trust

I still feel that Season three was the beginning of the end for the show as the remaining seasons were never as great as the first two. I still love the show and always have.


I see. Yeah, that's what I was thinking as I was typing out my question. Thanks for confirming. Yeah, the show is becoming less fun to watch as I go through season 3. It still has its moments, but I'd imagine that it was much more difficult having to wait from week to week for each episode when you're already not enjoying it as much as the previous seasons.
