MovieChat Forums > Warehouse 13 (2009) Discussion > The greatest atraction of Warehouse 13 i...

The greatest atraction of Warehouse 13 is...

The greatest attraction of Warehouse 13, for me at least, is that it's an oddball combination of people who end up loving one another unconditionally, while teasing one another to no end and nudging one another to be just a tad braver or kinder than they would normally dare to be.

I like the fantasy parts of it. But what really drew me in was this weird little family of sorts that they created for themselves.


I agree, the interactions between the characters were my favorite part. What dragged it down was how they kept messing with the core mechanics of the family. The relationships that we enjoyed in the beginning got less and less screen time as the show went on.


I agree with that aspect as well. I feel that what dragged it down was including Steve Jinks rather than H.G. H.G. was by far the most interesting character on the show and while they didn't kill her off they basically cut her appearances down to the point where she was barely on the show at all. Sure I realize that Jaime was also on Defiance but that really shouldn't be a huge hassle seeing as they are filmed at the same location.
