MovieChat Forums > Warehouse 13 (2009) Discussion > Any post-finale interviews?

Any post-finale interviews?

I'd love to hear what the cast thought of the finale, especially the whole dance number. Anybody seen any articles?


There actually have been several interviews from the San Diego Comic Con last year, which would be the last one with a Warehouse 13 panel. The complete panel however is NOT on YouTube for some odd reason, unlike the ones from previous years. Allison Scagliotti did an AMA on Reddit back in November where she mentions the dance number for the finale and actually says that it was one of her favorite moments on the show, and she mentioned Pyka half a year BEFORE the finale aired. Both Eddie and Allison and Saul all said in various videos that they felt the ending to the whole show was one that would satisfy the fans of the show, while Joanne felt that the ending was conflicting, possibly because of the Pyka thing.


Thanks for the info.


I asked Joanne and Eddie at a convention VIP party what they thought of Pyka and they said they were happy with where the writers took the show and their characters.
