5 years to release a good film.
Kind of shameful (filmed in 2008, probs will get an "official" wide DVD/Blu release in 2013).
The film wasn't a masterpiece or anything that redefine horror, but I thought it was consistently entertaining throughout, pretty dark and the whole "baby factory" was pretty original for the "cop hunting serial-killer/maniac" sub-genre. Definitely an entertaining film with a cool ending (great seeing Jennifer Carpenter as a bad guy).
I just don't get why the studio took a crap on this film. It had bankable stars (Cusack, Jen from Dexter, Tyler from The Vampire Diaries), looked like a well-made hollywood film and it reminded me of films like Kiss the Girls. It was definitely much more darker than Amanda Seyfried's Gone and at least Jennifer didn't have two minutes of screentime in this one.
Should have at LEAST recieved a limited run in cinemas a few YEARS AGO, but I'd happily pick up the Blu-ray when it's EVENTUALLY out.