Character screw up

Sorry, i need to like a main character AT LEAST A LITTLE BIT, before i can feel any sympathy for the characters situation. When the detectives daughter gets snagged, i could have given a rate ass. I actually felt sorry for the serial killer for having to listen to the pudgy lttlle twat. And, in reality, he did her parents a huge solid by trying to take the wench off their hands. Pain in the ass spoiled, selfish , insecure, needy, whining little tramp...yeah, that's likable.

"See what a nazi she's becoming??"" Oh, yeah, exaggerate much??? Forcing you to eat thanksgiving dinner SCREAMS of a stunt those strict nazis would have done, ungrateful porker.

"Look, I think your amazing". Christ, that word amazing is soooooo overused nowadays that it means NOTHING..yeah, you prick (smart prick, though) you find her soooooo amazing, that you're dumping her while she tells you hooooooooowwwww muuuuuuuuuuuuuch she NNNNNEEEEEEDS you.......pathetic.

Gimme someone i could sympathize with....even a little!!!


I was saying the same thing when I was looking at this movie a few hours ago. Basically the daughter was such a jerk I too did not care what happened to her. And still didn't care later on. She was so big and bad sneaking out of windows disrespecting her parents, I guess she wasn't so tough in that basement. I am not sure if this is the reaction the script called for because there were a few unorthodox plots in this movie.


Gosh you guys are harsh. I thought the casting of the daughter was good, because she wasn't such a beauty queen--that would be cliche. She actually looks and acts like someone's real daughter. And when she gets caught, she doesn't just feel sorry for herself, but she ends up trying to get the girls together and escape, and even helps one of them after she squeals on her. That should garner some sympathy, right? No I guess not. She's too fat and ugly for you.

But I guess you just like the pretty ingenue cliche. Go watch The Last House on the Left. Oh, but the pretty girl won't be all the pretty as the victim. Oh well.


For me, it has nothing to do with her looks and everything to do with her behavior or actually, our prolonged exposure to her behavior.

We never really got the idea that there was more to Abby. I mean, there's definitely more to her, but we were never able to actually witness that. There's a lot that could have been established in this movie, but it would have made it longer and I doubt many would want to sit through a 3 hour movie like this. I wouldn't mind it, but I like seeing more of what I'm watching so I can form a connection. This is the part where television has more room to get exposition down and movies are constrained because we need the "important" parts that lead to a conclusion.


I thought we were supposed to feel more for the father.

Anyways, do you not know any teenage girls or have never known? Almost all teenage girls are mean to their mothers at least once. And let's not forget she was pregnant, so her hormones were raging.
