Just finished watching it. Worst film I have seen in 2013. I'm a long term John Cusack fan, but Jesus this was poor. It was a bad film before the ridiculous twist, from the whiny daughter (who strangely kept reminding me of Linda Blair circa 'The Exorcist') to the oddly subdued anger/fear exhibited by Cusack towards the boyfriend/nurse to the 'conversion' of his daughter to her captors spell in about 24 hours that he bought. I want to stop remembering his film now as it hurts so I'll end.
It was as if they suddenly realised that they had used every cliche in the book (badly) and therefore had to come up with something that people would not expect. Which of course they would not as it simply made no sense.
The most entertaining thing about this film were some of the negative reviews of it on this site (particularly the second one down on this link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1132285/reviews?ref_=tt_urv by NitrousMcBread),
Let's hope this does not spell the descent of Cusack into hacksville....