I tried my best to watch the first "Vikings" series, but had to give up after a few episodes each time, as the terrible historical inacuracies hit me. Even trying to imagine it as a fantasy show didnt help, as you are being hit over the head with familiar names, titles and places from history.
Having found this sequel series on Netflix I thought maybe things were a bit better now. Years later, with Vikings being a huge success and all. But no. Not only historical inaccuracies. More like they are just taking a huge dump on the history of the era.
One thing is the wokeness with female fighters everywhere, or a female coloured "Jarl" named "Haakon", which is like having Denzel Washington play the role of a Lady in Victorian England, but why do they need to mess up names of places or areas? Kattegat is not Norway, and never was. Its the name of a strait between Denmark and Sweden. And Danelaw was never a village or town. It was a big chunk of England ruled by danes for a long time.
Being norwegian and a history buff especially interested in the Viking age this series just offends me deeply. And I sincerely hope no one believes this is even close to portraying anything realistic from this period in history.