
What's the deal with such a low rating?


Because IMDB doesn't like movies like this.


Fair enough. I think you'd have to be somewhat heartless to rate such a positive movie so bad before it came out.



Blame the terrible, terrible acting.

I slew your king, I slew your country. Do these deeds not demand vengeance?
-Judge Gabranth




I just started watching so I am reserving final judgement for later, but I agree on the acting so far. Andie Mcdowell is actually a decent actress. What happened? And the father ...


As a film, as a story, it rated poor.
As a bio or as a message, it rated high.

This movie was a tear jerker, it really was in the first half. The problem is that it never really went anywhere. The son died, a tragic event that was captured well and really made you feel sad. But to make this a motion picture just did not make sense to me. I could see this on lifetime or a made for tv movie, b-rating. It was as if the death was the entire film and they tried to finish it with the brother doing well in college football but it was just a poor attempt with no true connection to the characters. You cannot make a movie just about the death and expect great ratings. It was just a downer, the christian influence did not help either. I was expecting something more, like a great story. It was so flawed I am convinced the rating it has now is mostly pity ratings. I would give it a 3/10 based on the emotion. But it could not earn any more as a film.

Anyone else agree? The second half was just weird.
I was expecting some powerful story of the brother coming back as QB and doing awesome or something. This is a movie, lets not forget that. Imagination is strong here. Imagine RUDY.

But it was not any of that.


Because it was terrible.


The film has a low rating because it's bad. Poor acting, despite starring two veteran and very good actors, a horrible script that went nowhere, wooden dialogue, sappy music...basically this is melodrama at its worst.

To be frank, I gave this a 1, which I think is generous. It's basically rubbish, but to call this film trash is really an insult to rubbish.


Ok, I finally tried to watch it, and I turned it off after 10 mins. Too sappy.


I completely agree with macbean-1. I'll give it a 0.1!!! I turned it off after 20 minutes. Actually, I wnt off to pee, came back and I thought nahhhhhh. Really sad about the death an all, but that was just about it!!!! Even the crying was way over the top!!! c'mon!

~do not go to sleep in anger, stay up and plot revenge ~
