This was just stupid, everybody here was awful
Nothing has sense why that weird looking star (even when stars are massive body of energy bigger than this planet, but let's forget about that) appeared out of nowhere? She wished for something better, and she gets a hentai star? Who sent that star, who granted her wish? That shit is just retarded.
The king is stupid and evil he could just let people have their stupid wishes, if he is not going to grant those wishes is ok is his right, but he shouldn't take that from them, but the guy is such a pussy that cant leave an old fart sing a song out of fear that people will plunder or something, the people are equally awful they willingly give this guy their wishes in some cases are things they could achieve by themselves with hard work and time instead of basically renounce to their passion hoping this guy give them what they want just to avoid any effort, then they act like they are victims, the brown girl I forgot her name is such a stupid and entitle little brat she is in a job interview and in less than a minute she started telling the boss how to do his job? Classic feminist I was expecting at some point she will accuse the king from mansplaining for telling her why he will not give her stupid grandpa his gay ass wish, and that is other thing that was her first day, she didn't have the job yet, and she is already asking for favors, her friends are stupid and gross, one eat cookies with buggers, the other friend his biggest wish was being a white knight for the king instead of a bike or something normal, and don't make me start with that god-damn star and the talking goat, is that star retarded? That is why whoever sent it to earth to get rid of her? Why make animals and flowers talk? Why made those chickens giants? Who the hell ask for that? She just does retard and random shit to scrub that brown girl life.