The girls cheap tattoo

I might be wrong but doesn't the tattoo on the back of the girls neck mean 'cheap' in Japanese. It might mean something a bit more significant in the original chinese, but if not it might explain why they hired her. Or maybe it was the only tattoo she could afford at the time. cheap... get it....never mind.


it means peace in mandarin


Haha--people get Chinese tattoos that they don't understand all the time. You see idiots walking around with "donkey" on their shoulder or "diarrhea" on their leg.


The thing with Japanese though is that that character has to be matched up with other characters to make s specific "word." Her tattoo is only yasu, but to actually mean the adjective cheap it would have to have the hirigana -i added to be yasui. The character alone in Japanese has multiple meanings: safe, cheap, peace, easy.

As far as I know it only means peace and content in Mandarin.
